And the Void Screams Back - Making Beer in the Time of COVID

Lately, I feel this pressure to do something. Create a work of art or destroy something beautiful. In the end, my stress with the ever-changing world around me and the constant stream of life-altering events have me lying in bed staring at the ceiling, waiting for the next crisis to occur. During this pandemic, I did accomplish something. I wrote half a book about zombies. Last November, I participated in National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo . I wrote the beginning of an atompunk story about a family that lives in a dome society created in 1955. It’s filled with 50s references, conspiracy theories, and zombies, but I only managed to finish half of it. Life gets in the way. I also made a coffee stout in honor of the month. The blog post I wrote about it was probably one of my most popular. As during most times of significant change, one is expected to keep themselves busy. I made my first mead earlier this month, and it's currently going through its second ferme...