Auld Lang Syne

The first time I started a blog was on New Year’s Eve, but of course I was three sheets to the wind at the time and singing Auld Lang Syne to my cat.  The next morning (due to my massive hangover and embarrassment) I naturally chose to abandon the project.  That was four years ago.
Let’s try this again, shall we.
Tonight, all over the world, the sounds of noisemakers fill the air as partygoers are shouting messages of love to random strangers on the street.  7 billion people are drinking to each other’s health.  “Happy New Year” is being said in over six thousand languages.  For some, they are celebrating the year they got promoted at work, married, or their child being born.  For others, they drink and desperately wish that 2014 will be much better.  They have made their lists whether it’s exercising more or quit smoking.  This could be the year they go on that trip to Morocco or write their novel.   Drunk, sweeping declarations can be heard in bars and parties across the globe at this very moment.  A lot of those resolutions will not be met.  Others will try, but fail.  There are those that will persevere through the next 365 days and triumphantly ring in 2015 as better people.  I may or may not be one of them. 
Due to circumstances, I am having a sober New Year.  It’s not all bad.  It has given me a chance to seriously reflect on my situation.  Everyone has their philosophy or “secret” to what makes a happy life.  For many, it’s generating good karma.  For others, Tony Robbins tapes.  Here in the Bible Belt, I have been told many a time “You need Jesus.” For the record, I’ve met Jesus, had a nice talk with him, and we mutually agreed that we like each other, but only in small doses.  Spirituality does fulfill one of our basic needs as humans and studies have shown that prayer works.  It works because focusing on your query for a prolonged period of time centers the mind.  At a certain point, an epiphany or divine message occurs.  At the very least, it leaves you feeling good.  Everything becomes clear and the answer to your problem seems so simple.  When the mind is centered, a person can do what needs to be done with a new sense of purpose.  So pray on!  I sincerely hope it works out for you.
This year is the year I need to change my life.  Come September, there will be no looking back and I will realize that I have become one of the worst versions of myself.  With my glass of iced tea raised, here is to praying that I have a good new year.


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