How to be Single in Little Rock During the Holidays

The last few years have been tough. It doesn’t seem like this pandemic is ever going to really end and personal setbacks have me questioning my purpose. As with all traumatic breakups, I’ve been experiencing triumphant highs and extreme lows this year. Even my cat is tired of my shit. 

This is the first time in seven years I will be single during the holidays. I’ve been searching for a movie to fit my current situation, but all I can find are cheesy Hallmark rom-coms. Can’t there be a movie about a cynical but quirky food blogger that likes beer and says “fuck” at least five times a day having a magical Christmas on her own? 

I need to do things that are nourishing for my soul. Go out on the town. Support local businesses. Spend time with the friends that have stuck around. Maybe make some new ones. The holidays are not about presents or having someone to snuggle up with. Maybe next year, there will be a workaholic businessman with whom I can get into yuletide shenanigans. This year, I will be doing whatever I want without someone else’s approval or criticism. 

First things first,...

Load Up On Christmas Essentials At Flyway

Starbucks released the Pumpkin Spice Latte this year in July of all months. Every morning on my way to work, I saw the cars slow down traffic as they were making their way through to grab their slice of autumn in a cup while it’s still 95 degrees outside. I am not a Pumpkin Spice girl, but I am a sucker for holiday beers. Whether it’s Shiner Holiday Cheer or Mother’s Winter Grind, I can’t help myself. That’s why when Flyway announced the release of their Christmas Ale on November 1st, I rushed to North Little Rock at 3:00 PM on a Monday for two glasses and a 32 oz growler fill. Just call me a Basic Beer Bitch! 

In addition to their Christmas Ale, Flyway has also just announced their limited release Cake Series. The Carrot Cake Golden Ale is my personal favorite. They already have the fire pits going in Tent City. 

To Help You Get Through Until Winter Break

As I don’t have any children, only a cat, I will be looking forward to two weeks of sleeping in at the end of the month. Until then, 2Twenty1 has been one of my favorite discoveries in recent years. Located on the corner of 2nd and Center Street downtown, you have probably seen their sign of the all-seeing eye. To beat the afternoon slump, my go-to is the 3rd Eye. It has cold brew coffee with a shot of espresso. I usually order it with chocolate oat milk. I’m not lactose intolerant, I just like the taste. The writing of this blog has been fueled many times by that drink. 

This season, they are coming out with holiday drinks. Try their White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha or Gingerbread Latte along with a rotation of pastries from Community Bakery. It’s that final push you need to get you through until Winter Break. 

There’s No One Telling Me I Can’t Watch Scrooged For The 500th Time 

That is not an exaggeration. I have probably seen Scrooged with Bill Murray about 500 times. We taped it one year when I was a kid, but it was the edited-for-tv version that aired on one of the broadcast channels. It didn’t have the swear words or the scene where Karen Allen smokes a joint in a bathtub. I watched it constantly, even in the middle of summer. There is a picture that exists of me dressed as the Ghost of Christmas Present for Halloween when I was 11. I was a lonely child.

One of the best parts about being a single adult is that most of my nights are to myself. I can do whatever I want. If that means having cookies for dinner and getting drunk on Black Apple Cider while watching one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time, so be it.

Revisit Holiday Past Times With A New Twist

This year, I only have to buy two presents. One of those is taking my mom to see Ballet Arkansas’ Nutty Nutcracker. Growing up, watching the Nutcracker was such an integral holiday tradition that to this day, my holiday playlist is not complete without multiple versions of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, including the trap mix. In conjunction with their Nutcracker Spectacular this year, Ballet Arkansas is performing an alternate story told from the point of view of the Rat King. Two separate ballets to help one of the many nonprofits hurt by the pandemic. 

As we are going on a Sunday, we will be stopping by Chi’s Chinese Cuisine for some dim sum. Due to kidney surgery, my mom is immune deficient. She has been doing what she’s told and staying indoors to be kept safe, but she’s been craving Peking duck and we will be going all out. I have been missing the Jade Shrimp Dumplings.

For more of my favorite holiday tunes, check out my playlist.

Filling Station S’Mores

Until last Spring, I would pass by The Filling Station in North Little Rock all the time. Since it opened last year, they have grown a very impressive rotation of food trucks, and their selection of local beer has grown as well. I have gotten so tired of all the IPAs and lagers leftover from the summer. Lately, I have been craving stouts. Finally, Lost Forty released S’morest Queen and Current Mood. I loved last year's release. It had a strong but not overpowering cherry flavor. Buy one inside with a s'mores kit and have a relaxing winter evening by the fire. 

Also, mark your calendars for December 10th. The ladies at The Croissanterie will set up for their one-year anniversary from 4-8. Be sure to try the Le Burger if you haven’t already.

When You Have Nowhere To Go On Christmas Eve

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I feed off of the energy. Even though most people are stressed and rushing to get to the store before they close, everyone is generally happier. They’re lighter. Everyone is prone to laugh a little more and drink a little more. We are too busy trying to make everything perfect, but the true beauty lies in imperfection. You got the wrong gift, or the turkey is too dry. Maybe you’re worried you can’t afford presents this year. What’s important are the people you share your laughter with. The experience is richer than what we get under a tree. It’s the thought that really counts after all. 

As I don’t have anyone to share the holiday with, I will be heading to Christmas Sing-Along at Stone’s Throw MacPark and have my Christmas dinner made by Distant Relatives

What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

Once upon a time, I used to go out regularly. In recent years, people in my life don’t seem to realize that I love to socialize and dance, but I rarely get asked to do things. Not even by past significant others. There was a version of me, a long time ago, that used to get dressed up and have fun. I am still baffled by the amount of alcohol I drank in my early 20s and wonder how I didn’t die. Of course, I can’t handle the hangover anymore, but I am more than willing to bring out the old party girl one night a year. One New Year’s, I kissed a random stranger at midnight and still have no recollection of what their face actually looked like. I would like to do that again. 

As I am now in my late 30s, my New Year’s Eve plan will be a bit more sophisticated. My night will start at Brood and Barley for their special New Year’s Eve menu and then make my way through Argenta. I might even cross the bridge into the Rivermarket. This year, I am going wherever the night takes me.

Have a great holiday season! See you next year!


  1. Being single so hard đŸ˜Ș. I don't think anyone's gonna marry me before I get all old and wrinkled. I'm watching bridgett jones's diary now.


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